Ios36 64 V1042.wad File High Quality
I downloaded IOS36 revision 1042 and compared it to my dumped IOS36-64-v1042.wad. IOS36-64-v1042.wad is bigger than the created one, because it has a duplicate of content 0( as trailer file included. And the certs and tik file differ, while the contents in the certs file just seems to have a different order. So my questions are:1. Why is there the duplicate of content 0 as trailer in the official wad? Does anyone know, or might it be better to create own wads the same way?2. What effect does the changed tik file have? Any suggestions why the file is different? --WiiPower 08:04, 6 April 2009 (UTC)
Ios36 64 V1042.wad File
I based my packing code off of code by Crediar, as well as the WAD files documentation on this wiki. According to that, there is no duplication, and it would seemingly be ignored anyway according to TMD.
Original page text regarding size:After the initial release, there were concerns rising about differences in file sizes between official WADs and NUSD ones. A first, obvious difference is in that official ones have a footer, and NUSD packed ones do not. This adds a few bytes onto the official ones which will not be present.
This page is for downloads of IOSes and RVLs. Many of the files on this page come from NUS (Nintendo Update Servers). Some come from the update partition of game DVDs, or if not available elsewhere, be extracted from a wii.
Have those already. That's a standard 4.1 update.Red Steel and Wii Sports have IOS9 v516 and Boot2 v2 on them, both of which I already have. Other launch-day titles such as Zelda Twilight Princess also have the same 2 files on them.Also, there's a 99.9999% chance your friend's wii doesn't have SM 1.0 on it. It'd basically need to be unused since launch day. If it's ever been updated, it doesn't have 1.0 on it.
Yeah it is...As you said, most of the comments are either help requests or spam, and page edits consist mostly of Matt6969 updating the Wiiware listing.Good news is that download counts are healthy :) Most downloaded IOS is IOS249 v65280 (no clue why people want this). Most downloaded channel is Netflix with 5668 downloads.Also, I got time to try out all those dev channels:* NMenu is an official wad manager* NWC24Editor is a tool for downloading files with WC24, sending/receiving Wiimail, changing your wii friend code, and editing the friend roster.* WMP Movie Tool lets you mark the WM+ movie (that one that runs the first time you play a WM+ game) as watched or unwatched.* Disc Check and Menu Uninstaller have been around for a while, and do as their names imply.
Ne avevamo parlato precedentemente con una mini-guida e con alcune delle domande più frequenti. In questo post troverete tutti i file necessari per far funzionare la versione 1.5 e caricare giochi direttamente da Windows (senza usare la linea di comando) con WBFS Manager.
Check your Nintendo's Firmware revision! You need to know which firmware is currently loaded on your Wii, this is done by loading the configuration screens from the Main Menu and is located near the top as a number such as '3.2U' (Firmware 3.2 U=USA) which is the currently shipping version if you happen to have a 3.4 firmware or you updated the firmware then you will need to change a few files on the SD card. Write this number down as you may need it later.
Get the save game on your Memory Card Format your SD card to the correct 'FAT' filesystem by right clicking and selecting 'Format', under 'File System' select 'Fat' and perform a format. After you download the above file and extract it you should see the extracted folders look for a folder called 'Put onto SD card' simply copy all the folders and files within that folder to the root of your SD card. Reminder if your Firmware is 3.4 you'll need to perform the steps below everyone else is fine.
NOTE only required for users with 3.4 Firmware browse your SD card to: private>>wii>>title>> here you will see three folders 'rzde', 'rzdj' and 'rzdp' in each of these folders you will see two files 'data.bin' and 'Twilight3.4.bin' you need to delete the file called 'data.bin' and rename the file called 'Twilight3.4.bin' to the same name of the files we just deleted which is 'data.bin' repeat until all three folders have been renamed.
UPDATE May 2009 'USB Loader' A new way to play your Wii games has been released it's called a 'USB Loader' and was released by Waninkoko, the USB Loader will allow you to load your game backup collection from a USB Mass Storage device. So everything from USB Portable Hard-drives to Flash drives are supported. the newest version is USB Loader 1.5 and it can be found at in the downloads section look for 'USB Loader v1.5 (wad)' (free registration required) installation is simple, copy the 'usb_loader_1_5.wad' file to your 'WAD' folder on the memory card used earlier and install using 'Wad Manager', select the 'usb_loader_1_5.wad' file, then press + to install it. You also need to install the custom cIOS (a custom version of the Wii's operating system) make sure the 'IOS36-64-v1042.wad' file is located on the root of a SD card. Now under your 'apps' folder on the SD Card copy the folder 'cios36 rev10 installer'. Insert the SD card on your Wii and launch 'Home Brew' and run the 'cios36 rev10 installer' and select 'Wad Installation', Once the cIOS is installed reboot the Wii and you should see the new 'USB Loader Channel'.
NOTE: Before you try and use any USB devices remember these two important things. Firstly the device must be plugged it before you boot the Wii to be seen be the Wii system before it can be used, some Hard-drives may be a little slow and you may have to reboot to see the drive. Secondly the drive will need to formatted to a new file system called 'WBFS' (Wii Backup File System) so all the data on the drive will be lost! Create your WBFS drive and format to the new file system, now you can put any game into the Wii's drive and use the 'USB Loader' to copy the game files to the USB hard drive while slow (20 minutes for large games) it will work. If you want to transfer the games MUCH faster and you happen to have the .iso file on your PC then download wbfsmanager and read the next section.
NOTE: when you plug in your USB device into your PC Windows will not recognize the drive because it's WBFS and ask you to format the drive DO NOT format the drive or all the Wii files will be lost just say no and make a note of what drive letter Windows assigned the drive.
Start WBFS Manager and under the menu labeled 'WBFS Drive' select the drive letter for the WBFS drive that windows assigned. Then hit the [Load] button, it will read the drive and you will see all the installed games, free space and information about the games installed. You can then browse to any .iso files you wish to load and transfer the game files to your WBFS drive. The great thing here is that only the actual game files needed are copied to the WBFS drive so games will take anywhere from 400Mb to 2GB of space compared to the 4.3GB .iso file.
Download all the covers from select the ones you want or just 'select all' and download the .zip file the site will create for you. Using the SD Card used above, create a folder in the root called 'usb-loader'. Now inside of that folder, create another folder called 'covers'. The file path should be 'usb-loader/covers'. Don't change the names from what was downloaded or it won't work as the Loader looks for the same cover file as the game (Zelda is 'rzde01' and 'rzdeo1.png' is the correct name for that game). Copy all the cover .png files into the 'usb-loader/covers' folder and now the USB-Loader will find and display the covers for your backups.
Covers not showing up! I had problems getting this feature working it turns out I had installed an older version of the 'cios36 rev10' that had some issues so if you have this problem make sure you update to the one listed above it will solve your issues. 041b061a72