Эхокардиография практическое руководство элисдэйр ра
Степень диастолической дисфункции может указывать на тяжесть заболевания у больных с одинаковой степенью систолической дисфункции.
Эхокардиография практическое руководство элисдэйр ра
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The article presents a case of infective endocarditis, developed in the postoperative period in a child aged 1 year 10 months with Down syndrome, multiple congenital malformations of the heart and gastrointestinal tract. Clinical case demonstrated the role of risk factors in the development of infective endocarditis in a child: congenital heart disease, repeated surgical interventions, prolonged intravenous administration of drugs using venous catheters, bacteremia. Clinical case proved coincidence of data of echocardiographic examination on ultrasound density of cardiac membranes and structures with these pathomorphological and histologic examination.